Selling on SportALook is easy

Clothes aren't going to change the world. But a person wearing just the rights clothes will change his world for better. Come join us, in our mission to spread Functional Fashion across the country.

Selling on SportALook is easy! All you need is just these things to become a SportALook Seller...
  • Company PAN Card
  • GST Certificate
  • Bank Details & Cancelled Cheque
  • Signature Scanned Copy
  • Address Proof (Company Registration Certificate)
  • Identity Proof (Passport/Aadhaar Card)
  • Brand Document (Can be a declaration stating product authenticity on company letterhead)

If you have a company, then you will provide company bank account details and the company’s name should appear on the canceled cheque, and if you are an individual, then your name should be present on the same.

After filling in all the details and uploading required documents, your registration on the SportALook Seller Panel is complete.

Congratulations! You are ready! List at least 10 products and ‘Start Selling’!

You can check our demo videos on Seller Dashboard to learn more.